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Bibliography (英文論文) 1996年

Bibliography (英文論文) 1996年

  1. Ohta Y, Kijima H, Kashani-Sabet M, Scanlon KJ. Suppression of the malignant phenotype of melanoma cells by anti-oncogene ribozymes. J Invest Dermatol. 1996; 106: 275-280.
  2. Ohta Y, Kijima H, Ohkawa T, Kashani-Sabet M, Scanlon KJ. Tissue-specific expression of an anti-ras ribozyme inhibits proliferation of human malignant melanoma cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 1996; 24: 938-942.
  3. Kijima H, Bouffard DY, Scanlon KJ. Ribozyme-mediated reversal of human pancreatic carcinoma phenotype. In: Ikehara S, Takaku F, Good RA, eds. Bone Marrow Transplantation – Basic and Clinical Studies -. Tokyo: Springer; 1996: 153-163.
  4. Ohkawa T, Kijima H, Irie A, Horng G, Kaminski A, Tsai J, Kashfian BI, Scanlon, KJ. Oligonucleotide modulation of multidrug resistance gene expression. In: Gupta S, Tsuruo T, eds. Multidrug Resistance in Cancer Cells. England:Wiley & Sons; 1996: 413-433.
  5. Bouffard DY, Ohkawa T, Kijima H, Irie A, Suzuki T, Curcio LD, Holm PS, Sassani A, Scanlon KJ. Oligonucleotide modulation of multidrug resistance. Eur J Cancer. 1996; 32A: 1010-1018.